Recognize any danger immediately.



Real-time alarms for gas hazards, an emergency call, and employees who are unable to help themselves.

The iNet® Now live monitoring software provides real-time SMS and email alerts when danger from gas is imminent, an employee is panicking or injured. So when incidents occur, you can see what's happening on a map immediately and respond quickly. Thanks to iNet Now, you have the peace of mind of always having your employees in sight, even if they are miles away.


Live monitoring with iNet Now

Applications in practice

When deployed in heavy industry

When working with gases

For employees in hazardous areas

Why live monitoring?

Perfectly informed

- SMS activation on alarm

- Location immediately visible by employee

Higher efficiency

- Real-time data

- Status automatically checked by technician

Valuable Insights

- Securely track data

- Record analysis

Why Schmachtl?

- On-site consulting

- Customized concepts




For more information about our products and services, contact a Schmachtl sales representative. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

More information

Messtechnik und Umwelttechnik: Durchflussmessung, Gaswarnung und mehr

Measurement and Environmental Technology

Measurement and Environmental Technology

Industrie Gaswarnung: Gasmelder, Gaswarngeräte, CO2 Melder und mehr

Measurement and Environmental Technology

Gas Warning